Wednesday 18 January 2012

plane update

I have to say I have not been sooo happy in a long time as I was when we boarded our Air New Zealand flight and saw big comfy seats and a waiting blankie and pillow for everyone.
The flight by USAir from Phili to LAX was strictly low budget, no movie, purchased food only and tight quarters. But our seat reservation was good and even though we were at the back of the bus we had a whole row which was very convienient.

By the time we got to LA the electronics were down and Adrian spent quite a bit of time checking (and finding) live outlets in the gate area to charge up the various gameboys, laptops and ipads.  But on the Air NZ flight everyone had a personal TV/entertainment centre so that was all good.   We were fed supper at 3am our time and slept for most of the flight.  Breakfast was piping hot and the coffee was good (just not enough).

Right now we are 30 minutes out from Auckland and will do customs and immigration there and then off to our connector to Christchurch.
As usual the kids have traveled well.  Luke has had a perma-grin since he sat down with his own personal remote.  We may have to leave him on the plane. 

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