Saturday 14 January 2012


Well, we are about 3/4 packed.  Matt is going to start loading stuff into the storage unit today.  We have been also dropping various things off at friends houses for safekeeping while we are gone.

We are travelling very lightly.  2 suitcases for me (the shoes have to go somewhere) and one for everyone else plus carry-ons.  I'm sure I will regret taking so little later but that is the plan for the moment.

3 days to go,  New Zealand $ check, Visas in Passports check,  Suitcases ready to roll and the house is a disaster.  And my stomach is in knots hence posting at 7am on a Saturday morning.

And it is a balmy -20C outside and is not supposed to warm up at all for the next two days (on a lighter note it was 23C in Ashburton yesterday)

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