Monday 30 January 2012

Hello everyone,

We are now in our house (yay) and I have a longer post on my laptop BUT the internet is not hooked up yet...  Tomorrow, they say, we shall see...

Luke and Jamie started school yesterday,  the teachers faces when I told them that they have done all of their schooling in french  till now was priceless, and Ms Grimes has already noticed Luke cannot sit still to save his life.

Work is good so far,  patients are the same it is just the computer systems that are different.

And we now have a phone!  03 308 3825  the international code for New Zealand is 064 (I think) but google explains nicely how to call if you feel like spending lots of money to talk to us.

So once I get online tomorrow (keep your fingers crossed) I will post more and some pix as well.

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