Monday 30 January 2012

The same but not...

large coffee with milk = flat white
the left side of the road thing...
eggs are not refridgerated in the store, dog food is.
cereal brands are different.
lots and lots of abbreviations I do not understand, and then I don't understand the explanation either...
roundabouts, yield signs where I am used to a stop,
petrol vs gas (people look at you funny when you say gas)
boot vs trunk
school uniforms
biro = pen
a wine = glass of wine (I can work with this one though... ;-)
Hello everyone,

We are now in our house (yay) and I have a longer post on my laptop BUT the internet is not hooked up yet...  Tomorrow, they say, we shall see...

Luke and Jamie started school yesterday,  the teachers faces when I told them that they have done all of their schooling in french  till now was priceless, and Ms Grimes has already noticed Luke cannot sit still to save his life.

Work is good so far,  patients are the same it is just the computer systems that are different.

And we now have a phone!  03 308 3825  the international code for New Zealand is 064 (I think) but google explains nicely how to call if you feel like spending lots of money to talk to us.

So once I get online tomorrow (keep your fingers crossed) I will post more and some pix as well.

Monday 23 January 2012

Here in New Zealand

Hi Folks,  we are here, have run into a few stumbling blocks but everything should be ok.  Our house is not ready for us at the moment so we are staying with Di and Ross Warring.  Di is the clinic manager where Matt is working and Ross is a GP there.  They are being very generous with their home and we are being very well fed!

Hopefully we will be able to move into our new house on Friday at the latest.  Matt's car should be delivered tonight or tomorrow (no biggie as the office is in walking distance) and I have been driving around town a bit in our mini van.  It is just fine but the manual is in Japanese.  We shall see if I can figure out all the controls as time passes.

Yesterday we went to Christchurch to do our interviews with the registrar.  Christchurch is a bit of a mess due to closed streets and detours but we made it in and out alive.

We took the long way home via Methvin and the Rakia Gorge.

Today Adrian registered for school and purchased the summer part of his school uniform.  Joelle goes tomorrow and I meet the principal for the boys' school tomorrow as well.   All of the schools have the kids wear uniforms with school emblems etc.  and apparently Ashburton college has an equestrian team,  but I'm not sure if you have to own your own horse to participate.

Adrian is also thrilled with his new SIM card in his blackberry and has been BBMing like crazy.  If he disappears from communications it is because he ran over his data limit and has had his phone taken away.

We should have a home phone by the weekend if you feel like paying megabucks to call.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

plane update

I have to say I have not been sooo happy in a long time as I was when we boarded our Air New Zealand flight and saw big comfy seats and a waiting blankie and pillow for everyone.
The flight by USAir from Phili to LAX was strictly low budget, no movie, purchased food only and tight quarters. But our seat reservation was good and even though we were at the back of the bus we had a whole row which was very convienient.

By the time we got to LA the electronics were down and Adrian spent quite a bit of time checking (and finding) live outlets in the gate area to charge up the various gameboys, laptops and ipads.  But on the Air NZ flight everyone had a personal TV/entertainment centre so that was all good.   We were fed supper at 3am our time and slept for most of the flight.  Breakfast was piping hot and the coffee was good (just not enough).

Right now we are 30 minutes out from Auckland and will do customs and immigration there and then off to our connector to Christchurch.
As usual the kids have traveled well.  Luke has had a perma-grin since he sat down with his own personal remote.  We may have to leave him on the plane. 

Saturday 14 January 2012


Well, we are about 3/4 packed.  Matt is going to start loading stuff into the storage unit today.  We have been also dropping various things off at friends houses for safekeeping while we are gone.

We are travelling very lightly.  2 suitcases for me (the shoes have to go somewhere) and one for everyone else plus carry-ons.  I'm sure I will regret taking so little later but that is the plan for the moment.

3 days to go,  New Zealand $ check, Visas in Passports check,  Suitcases ready to roll and the house is a disaster.  And my stomach is in knots hence posting at 7am on a Saturday morning.

And it is a balmy -20C outside and is not supposed to warm up at all for the next two days (on a lighter note it was 23C in Ashburton yesterday)

Our New House - if Google Street View is correct.

Allenton, Ashburton 7700, New Zealand


Tuesday 10 January 2012

Visas at last...

Hey everyone, finally the Visas are coming through...
Tickets have been purchased (ACK!!!) We are leaving Tuesday morning!!!

Now the fun stuff, packing, packing and more packing.

What does one pack in two suitcases to carry one through an entire year?