Monday 20 May 2013

Christmas and Leaving New Zealand...

This is rather a sad post as it is the end of our year.    Marie was with us for Christmas.  It was a beautiful day, about 30C and we went swimming at the lake and had Pavlova with local pink champagne for Christmas dinner.  Does it get better than that?   Christmas was quiet, we went to Mass Christmas eve and it was sooooo warm (weird...) and enjoyed our relaxing day.

Christmas Morning

Sad Adrian... no new ipod from Santa in his stocking.

Happy Adrian,  new ipod under the tree from Mom and Dad!

Ooops wrong games for wrong kid, a little trading going on...

New (non waterlogged camera) for Marie!

Yay!  All things Pokemon.

But the new front teeth did not arrive in time for Christmas.

and yes.  I did bring our stockings from Canada... 

Pavlova and Pink Champagne.  YUM!!

Adrian and the lovely Lily

Cooking with Marie

 So... we drove all over the north part of Southland looking for Pohutukawa trees and we had one growing in our own yard!!

Swimming at Lake Hood

Our last day... View of Mt. Hutt

Ross and Di Warring,  Bye friends!

After this we left with good spirits as we were heading on to our next adventure.  Two weeks in Asia!

 So there were a few tears, it was very hard for Adrian and Lily  (and Joelle smacked her head at the hotel pool but that is another story)  but we were looking forward to travel and going home.

 It was a great year, had a few ups and downs but every year does and we would not have traded our time down under for anything.

The Dionnes

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