Wednesday 28 November 2012


This is not a very long post writing wise but lots of photos.

We gathered up the kidlets recently (Adrian under duress) and dragged them across the South Island to see the Punakaki Pancake Rocks and Blowholes.

This a unique area in NZ where the incoming tide hits the blowholes and causes super cool waves and bursts of sea spray.

You have to time this well, the best time is to be there about 30 minutes or so before high tide so you see the waves from the incoming tide.  If the tide is low or going out, not quite so spectacular.

Driving over Arthurs pass was spectacular as usual with lots of fab views and sharp curves, it was the 3rd time we have done this so we are getting used to it (I think)  We did stop at Jackson's Tavern for the absolute best burger I have ever had in my life.  It may be worth the flight to NZ.

Luckily for us (and I did check this out before I booked a room etc) high tide was at 4pm on a Saturday afternoon.  Perfect timing for our drive to see one of the Top 101 Must Do's for Kiwis .

As you can see the Pancake rocks are well named

When we got to the west coast it started to rain, but the weather cleared nicely while we looking at the rocks and tides and giant waves and then it started to rain again.

We headed back to our little cottage, where there were lots of Wekas.

Thieving Weka's,  Jamie had a little stuffed toy Kiwi bird and one of the Wekas stole it and ran away never to be seen again.  Amid the laughter and tears we wondered what it was thinking...
And how disappointed it will be as the stuffed kiwi just sits there.

Joelle, Matt and I also went for a walk on the beach while the boys enjoyed the cable tv at the cottage, we chatted with some white bait (itty bitty fish caught in nets as the tide moves out) fishermen and played on the beach.

White bait, apparently they are "lovely" whipped with eggs and pan fried.  But there are many differing opinions about them and I have heard them referred to as cat food!

bye for now!

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