Sunday 21 October 2012


After we got back from Oz we rested for exactly one day and then hit the road to go skiing in Queenstown.

It is about a 6 hour drive.  we took our time so it was a little longer...

This is a bridge from the highway to a cool little winery (with a cafe) where we stopped for coffee (and bought some very nice wine) 

There were lots of cool things to climb on and the scenery was spectacular as usual. 

After we got to Queenstown we did the usual...  got rentals (except for Adrian, he is the only one we bought gear for while here)  and went skiing.  We skied 3 days only (more on this later) and went to 3 different hills.  Coronet Peak, Cadrona and The Remarkables

Coronet Peak

Adrian trying to break something, you cannot tell how high is here but in the second pix he is only about 1/3 or less down an almost 90 degree slope.  Ack. 

Jamie demonstrating his wonderful form..


This is a very far away shot of Snow Park,  a terrain park on another mountain that Adrian desperately wanted to go but there was nothing else for anyone to do there so he missed out. :o( 

and The Remarkables.

The Lukester.

Joelle actually landed that jump!

This is the flippin' road up to The Remarkables.  You have to drive around the damn mountain (halfway up btw) to get to the bloody base.   Yeesh,    I will be glad when I get back home to ski hills where the snow comes all the way down to the bottom of the mountain so I don't HAVE TO DRIVE UP IT!!!  (and is still is not as bad as the Mount Hutt road that is local... don't get me going on that one)

So Queenstown was fun, we skiied, we ate, we slept.  And then we drove to Milford Sound one of the most wondrous places I have ever seen on this earth.    Next post...

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