Thursday 5 April 2012

Sharplin Falls

Last Sunday we did a little hiking at Sharplin Falls.  this is a 1.5 hour hike in and out turning at the falls.

Jamie thought this was a huge adventure and was very busy looking for dinosaurs. He led the entire way and said it was a "great adventure".   He also laid claim to his own rock and cave.  Luke and Joelle had a good time too and even Adrian thought it was cool by the end of the hike.

Jamie's rock

Jamie's cave.

After we left the falls we took a drive up Mt Hutt where the local ski fields are.  The road was closed near the top where you enter the fields so we did not get a look at them but this was after driving on the scariest road over.   I'm not sure if I will be up to it when it has snow and ice on it in the winter... 

If you miss one of those corners it is a verrrryyyyy  looooonnnngggg way down.  Apparently in the winter chains are required (no snow tires here, they don't exist as far as I can tell) and they do plow a bank on the edge of the road to give you a false sense of security.  
Guardrails (again) are few and far between but when they are there they mean it. 

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